Shipping and Delivery

  • Orders are shipped Monday-Friday
  • Standard shipping orders: Current processing time is 2-3 days
  • Shipping Methods: US Postal Service or FedEx
  • Standard Domestic Shipping: Normally takes 3-5 days depending on your location.
  • Domestic Expedited Shipping: Orders ship in 1-2 business days and ship via FedEx 2-Day. Sorry, no delivery on weekends. [Currently unavailable]
  • International Standard Shipping: Orders ship via FedEx. Delivery time varies but can range from 4 to 7+ days depending on customs in the receiving country.
Please be aware that orders shipped outside of the United States may be subject to import taxes, customs duties and fees imposed by the destination country and are responsibility of the customer. Customs policies vary widely from country to country so please contact your local customs office for more information. When customs clearance procedures are required, it can also cause delays beyond our original delivery estimates.


    The following rates are available for select destinations

    Standard US Ground Shipping, up to $74.99 $5
    Standard US Ground Shipping, $75+ FREE
    US 2 - Business Day Shipping (Ships in 1-2 business days) $20.00
    Canada Standard Shipping via FedEx $30.00
    International Standard Shipping $40.00